


Ad for exhibition "Kostym kontra mode"

Client: Stockholm Costume and Fashion Institute

3D-artist: Peter Ewers

Producer: Mattias Högberg

Ad for exhibition "Kostym kontra mode"

Client: Stockholm Costume and Fashion Institute

3D-artist: Peter Ewers

Producer: Mattias Högberg

Teaser for exhibition "Kostym kontra mode"

Client: Stockholm Costume and Fashion Institue

Producer: Mattias Högberg

Masterminds behind the scenes, Costume Department

Client: Royal Dramatic Theatre in Stockholm

Producer: Mattias Högberg Film

Masterminds behind the scenes, Art Department

Client: Royal Dramatic Theatre in Stockholm

Producer: Mattias Högberg Film

Hans Rosling Partytrick on childvaccination

Client: Gapminder Foundation

Producer: Mattias Högberg Film

Hans Rosling Factpod on that Zero is the only stable level

Client: Gapminder Foundation

Producer: Mattias Högberg Film

Teaser for Plantable Cooking Contest"

Client: Vegetariska kockars förening

Producer: Mattias Högberg Film

Masterminds behind the scenes, Mask Department

Client: Royal Dramatic Theatre in Stockholm

Producer: Mattias Högberg Film

Masterminds behind the scenes, Wigs Department

Client: Royal Dramatic Theatre in Stockholm

Producer: Mattias Högberg Film

Hans Rosling Factpod on How to stop Ebola in a Large City

Client: Gapminder Foundation

Producer: Mattias Högberg Film

Uriah on the beach


by Mattias Högberg

Ads for SoMe

Client: Medieinstitutet

Producer: Mattias Högberg Film

Ads for SoMe

Client: Medieinstitutet

Producer: Mattias Högberg Film

Book presentation Jonathan Lundberg 

Client: Piratförlaget

Producer: Mattias Högberg Film